Social Care Advice Archive

The Waltons

Care Options - Living with your Family – If you are needing a higher level of care, or no longer wish to live in your own home, moving in with your family can be an attractive proposition. There are many potential benefits for you and your family, including the security of knowing a loved one is there 24 hours a day, the chance to spend more time with children and grandchildren and the ability to maintain a level of independence. However, it is important to be realistic about expectations and practicalities, so be sure to discuss all the practical, financial and emotional details with your family before making the decision.

4 April 2013 - Care Options

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Inspector Clouseau in Return of the Pink Panther

What to Look for in a Care Home – Care homes have to abide by care standards which cover all aspects of living in a care home. These standards include rights to privacy and dignity, how staff handle medicines, heating and lighting levels and handling residents' money.

AgeUK, 4 April 2013 - general

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Greensleeves Care Home

Questions to Ask when Choosing a Care Home – When choosing a care home, a viewing (preferably with friends or relatives) is vital. Ask if you can stay overnight or at least have a meal to get a better feel for how the care home operates. Turn up 15 minutes early for a viewing so that you can sit and make some initial assessments – is the décor well maintained? Does it smell clean and fresh? Are the staff rushing about? What are the residents doing – are they active and occupied or are they left to sleep in armchairs with the TV on in the background?

Mark Sadler, 4 April 2013 - general

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Sherlock Homes with magnifying glass

An insider's 10 steps to finding care – What should you do when you have been advised that your relative needs 24 hour care? Care Home Manager Debbie McHugh writes exclusively for on where to go from here.

Debbie McHugh, 4 April 2013 - general

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Ten Questions

10 questions to ensure respect and dignity – The British Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has published new guidance for older people, their families and carers understand what level of care they should expect and how to challenge poor care.

Mark Sadler, 4/4/13 - general

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The Vital Checklist

Viewing a Care Home - The Vital Checklist – We have compiled this printable, fully detailed checklist to take with you when you view a care home - it covers all the areas which can be forgotten during a visit but which can often help you decide between one care home and another.

Mark Sadler, 20/5/11 - general

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Care Home Contracts

Care Home Contracts - what to expect and what to look out for – Are you about to sign a contract with a care home? It is vital that you ensure that you understand what you are signing and that the contract clearly lays out your expectations as well as those of the care home.

Mark Sadler, 4 April 2013 - general

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