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Voyage Care - 694 Pinner Road


Voyage Care

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Voyage Care - 694 Pinner Road
694 Pinner Road

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Autistic spectrum disorders, Behavioural support, Learning disability, Mental health

At 694 Pinner Road we provide support to seven individuals with a learning disability and have a proven track record of supporting people with autism, bipolar disorder and behaviours that challenge.

The service is in an urban area with local facilities and public transport near by. We make use of local parks and museums and get involved in carnivals and other events. One individual has completed a cookery course at the local college.

The experienced staff team work together with the people they support to build each individual’s independence and empower them. We believe everyone should live a fulfilling life, regardless of their disability.

We offer everyone as much choice as possible. We produce pictorial menus and provide information about available activities so that each person can choose what to take part in.

We encourage everyone to get involved in a range of activities in the community. We also support each person to be involved in day to day living at the service through tasks such as cooking. There is a varied programme of activities within the service, including music sessions, which everyone can participate in if they wish.

694 Pinner Road has eight bedrooms and a number of communal areas, all furnished to a high standard to create a friendly and inviting environment.

The service has a large garden with a patio area, which has been equipped for outdoor games and activities.