Voyage Care
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32 Arbor Lane
RG41 5JD
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Specialises in: Learning disability, Mental health, Physical disability
At Cornerways we provide support to eight individuals who have learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health needs.
Cornerways is in a village just outside Wokingham, twenty minutes from Reading town centre. There are good local facilities and public transport links within walking distance.
We listen to the wishes of each person who lives at Cornerways to make sure we support them in the way they want and work closely with families and outside agencies to achieve the best possible outcomes. We always work towards greater independence, regardless of the individual’s disability. We work with outside agencies to ensure we have access to the equipment and training we need to achieve this.
We have an experienced, stable staff team who have a good understanding of each person’s needs. Staff work together well as a team and make use of each member’s skills, such as art, sports and beauty therapy, for the benefit of the people they support.
Everyone is encouraged to attend house meetings where they can discuss a range of topics and give their views. Individuals can also take part in staff selection and delivering staff training. We support everyone to try new experiences and make choices for themselves.
We have a good relationship with people in the wider community, socialising and attending local events. Everyone is enabled to have a full and active life, both within the service and out and about. There are opportunities to complete education courses, either at the local college or online.
The service has eight bedrooms, six of which have en-suite facilities. The lounge and conservatory are ideal environments in which to relax or participate in many of the activities provided by the service. The open plan kitchen includes a low level sink and hob and adjustable table to allow everyone to help with the preparation of meals. The service is surrounded by gardens, including a large, level paved area.
All areas of the service and garden are wheelchair accessible and specialist equipment is available as required.