Voyage Care - 73 High Road
Voyage Care
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Voyage Care - 73 High Road
PE13 4PG
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Specialises in: Behavioural support, Learning disability, Physical disability
73 High Road meets the needs of seven adults with learning disabilities and physical needs who may show behaviours that challenge.
The large detached property is situated in the quiet rural village of Gorefield, located near to the town of Wisbech, which offers many amenities including a theatre, swimming pool and many shops.
Each person has their own bedroom allowing for time alone and privacy whenever it is needed or desired. All bedrooms have en-suite facilities, one of which meets full wheelchair user specification, including a wet room. The communal areas include a lounge, a dining room, a kitchen and a large welcoming reception area.
Each person accesses a range of facilities according to individual preferences; these include bowling, swimming, a jacuzzi, a gym, bingo, a sensory environment, a theatre, a college and a public house. They are also encouraged to participate in the running of the service according to their wishes, including grocery shopping, gardening, household tasks and interviewing prospective staff.
In order to facilitate this variety of activities, the service has two vehicles, one of which is adapted to transport wheelchair users.
Communication is given great importance as we believe this is essential in providing the highest quality of care. It is acknowledged that each individual's communication methods may vary both in type and depth of understanding. The staff team work with each person to identify the most appropriate means of communication. A variety of methods are then introduced.
Communication boards using symbols are utilised to aid individuals’ understanding of what they can expect to happen each day. There is also a photo board showing which staff are going to be working each shift so that service users know which staff are available to them.