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Find Care Homes for the Elderly
in London
Use our UK care homes directory to select Residential Care Homes and Nursing Care Homes for the Elderly in London. We list care homes offering both Residential and Nursing care catering for people requiring Dementia, EMI, Respite, Day Care or Assisted Living Homes.
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Below are the Care Homes for Elderly found in London
350 care providers found in London
Ashbrook Court Care Home

- 70 Registered Beds
- Residential and Nursing
- Short Stay
- Long Stay
- Respite
- Dementia Care
Brendoncare Ronald Gibson House

- 56 Single Rooms
- 56 Registered Beds
- Residential and Nursing
- Short Stay
- Long Stay
- Respite
The Spinney Care Home

- 46 Registered Beds
- Residential and Nursing
- Short Stay
- Long Stay
- Respite
- Dementia Care
10 Orchard Avenue
- Residential Only
- Sensory impairments
- Dementia Care
- Physical disabilities
10 Orchard Avenue
10 Orchard Avenue
London, N20 0JA
101 Royal Hill
- Residential Only
- Learning disabilities
101 Royal Hill
London, SE10 8SS
129 Winsor Terrace
- Residential Only
- Mental health conditions
- Physical disabilities
129 Winsor Terrace
129 Winsor Terrace
London, E6 6LB
1b Vale Road
- Residential Only
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory impairments
- Learning disabilities
1b Vale Road
Forest Gate
London, E7 8BJ
22 Homer Road (Flats A & B)
- Residential Only
- Physical disabilities
- Learning disabilities
- Sensory impairments
22 Homer Road (Flats A & B)
London, E9 5GT
302 Wick Road (Flats 1 & 2)
- Residential Only
- Sensory impairments
- Physical disabilities
- Learning disabilities
302 Wick Road (Flats 1 & 2)
London, E9 5DQ
36 Roseberry Gardens
- Residential Only
- Learning disabilities
- Mental health conditions
- Physical disabilities
36 Roseberry Gardens
36 Roseberry Gardens
London, N4 1JJ
49 Bonham Road
- Residential Only
- Mental health conditions
49 Bonham Road
49 Bonham Road
London, SW2 5HW
Page: 1 of 18 Total number of results: 350