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Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Homes in Gravesend UK
Please use our directory to find dementia care homes for people of all ages in Gravesend
Use our website to find Alzheimer’s and Dementia care homes for the elderly in Gravesend and in other parts of Kent. Homes providing dementia care should have secure units. Most care homes in Gravesend specialise and will provide care for people with differing needs including EMI nursing and dementia care for older people. Many care homes in Gravesend will also offer short term or respite care. We always recommend that you visit as many care homes as possible in the Gravesend area of Kent to find the one that best matches your requirements.
Please do come back to leave reviews for any of the care homes you visit as your feedback will be helpful to others choosing a care home for themselves or a loved one. Unlike many other websites we do not filter our reviews.
Below are the Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Homes found in Gravesend
Back to Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Homes Kent
7 care providers found in Gravesend, Kent for Dementia Care
Edward Moore House

- 35 Single Rooms
- 1 Shared Rooms
- Residential Only
- Short Stay
- Long Stay
- Respite
- Dementia Care
Gravesham Place Integrated Care Centre
- Nursing Only
- Mental health conditions
- Dementia Care
Gravesham Place Integrated Care Centre
22-22a Stuart Road
Kent, DA11 0BZ
Hevercourt - Avante Care and Support
- Residential Only
- Dementia Care
Hevercourt - Avante Care and Support
Goodwood Crescent
Kent, DA12 5EY
Mayflower Care Centre
- Nursing Only
- Mental health conditions
- Dementia Care
Mayflower Care Centre
Hartshill Road
Kent, DA11 7DX
Rosebank Residential Home
- Residential Only
- Dementia Care
Rosebank Residential Home
56 Pelham Road
Kent, DA11 0HZ
St Peter's Nursing Home
- Nursing Only
- Dementia Care
St Peter's Nursing Home
Council Avenue
Kent, DA11 9HN
The Chestnuts Care Home
- Nursing Only
- Dementia Care
The Chestnuts Care Home
Wrotham Road
Kent, DA13 9AH