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Agricola House

Agricola House, Bury


  • Residential Only
  • Physical disabilities
  • Sensory impairments
  • Mental health conditions

Voyage Care

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Agricola House
17 Kirklees Street

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Specialises in: Acquired brain injury, Behavioural support, Mental health

Agricola House provides support to eight adults with a head or acquired brain injury. We are pleased to have been granted Headway Approved Provider status.

We support individuals who would benefit from increasing their independence in a supportive community setting. We adopt a person centred approach, aiming to support people to regain their social, cognitive and independence skills, and to develop their confidence.

Speech and language therapy, Neuro-physiotherapy, Neuro-occupational therapy and Neuro-psychology input is available as required. Programmes will be carefully designed and integrated into each person’s daily routine. Support will be based on rehabilitation techniques which strive to increase independence, and progress will be monitored closely using Goal Attainment Scaling, which provides motivation.

Bury is easily accessible and has a wide range of community resources, from leisure and recreational activities to educational facilities. The service is also close to the city of Manchester and the neighbouring towns of Bolton and Oldham. Vocational opportunities are available, and can be developed at a pace appropriate to the individual.

The accommodation is extremely welcoming and has been designed to the highest standard. Agricola House has eight bedrooms with level access en-suite facilities, all of which feel individual and unique and can meet the needs of people with physical disabilities. We encourage service users to take an active and involved role in the household and the community.

The service also offers a wide range of communal facilities, including a training kitchen, a spacious living room and an assisted bathroom. There is an extra training kitchen where people can be supported by staff to develop their menu planning and food preparation skills. The service is fully wheelchair accessible, and ceiling tracking is available as required. Externally there is a garden with a level access patio area.